Sunday, November 13, 2005

In Munich

I got in to Munich about an hour ago. Paid €1.10 to use the W.C. ( I tried to rectify the situation by stealling half a roll of toilet paper to blow my nose on). Yesterday was a very COLD day in Venice. So instead of doing any of the planned things I mostly wandered around trying to decide on warmer clothes to buy. This wasn´t altogether bad since it turns out there´s not too much to do in Venice but shop. Karen left around noon so from then on I wandered around the city. It started getting darker and colder around 4pm so I got on the nearest ferry and took it to the end of the line. This happened to be the island Lido. Which I think would be nicer on a warmer meeting. As it was I found a shop to try on several winter coats and hats but came away with nothing. I also stopped by the attached grocery store for dinner. Paid €2 for 20 minutes of internet which was the best deal I could find. That´s even with discount. Now I´m paying €2 for 2 hours. Which is more like it. Plus this was the only thing open at 6:30 when I got into town. It was an uncomfortable night on the train. I chose a €5 seat over a €25 couchette. Which I stand by. But they came and checked my ticket FOUR times. These Germans/Austrians don´t mess around. Then when I finally was able to lay down for a bit these 4 dressed up Germans came busting in, chain smoking (in the closed compartment) and trying out new cellphone rings. It´s 4:30 in the morning. Just as I think I´ve come up with a plan to ruin the guy-accross-from-me´s all white tux I realize they´ve gotten quiet and not too much longer they leave. I think I´m coming down with a cold. And my bleeding heart gave away two cold medicine pills to one of the funny guys (studying in Milan...not dodgy)I met in the train station last night. Never again. I also met a girl and her grandmother from Indiana last night in the train station. They were going to Zurich. Today my goals are clear: buy warm clothes (within budget and within storage space), wear said clothes, maybe see a sight, get to Salzburg.


At 11/13/2005 3:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are within spitting distance of Joshua - CALL HIM - you can stay in his extra bedroom free and don't have to worry about chain-smoking Germans in the middle of the night.

He has a new telephone number - same email. Same cell number. Let me know if you need his new house number and I'll email it to you rather than posting it for the public.

He would love to have company. He's been dying for someone to come visit him. Plus, you can come and go as you please and just crash there if you want. He won't cramp your style and he can certainly show you around Munich. He goes to Munich often and could meet you there if nothing else.

Be careful in Salzburg.

Your aunt Beth

At 11/13/2005 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, you can buy a coat at the PX. Save yourself some money :)

At 11/13/2005 8:33 AM, Blogger Carol said...

That's right - you can get a coat cheap at the PX! Save lots of money! And I'll bet J & C would love to visit with you and show you some sights. And just think how relieved all your readers would be to know that you're with family for a day or two! Love you! Sorry you have a cold. Take good care of yourself.

At 11/13/2005 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're home from our trip to Kentucky. We had a good time. Saw Lisette, Benjamin and Fredricka at Asbury. They gave us a good tour there.
Keep warm! Love you!


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