Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween In Roma

I just got into Rome. Since Gulliver's house has a lock out until 4pm and I was a unsure how to get there I decided to stop and use the internet. I really enjoyed my half day in Perugia. The hostel I stayed in was super-nice, but run by an old persnikety Italian man, who didn't want to be bothered to run my credit card. Plus it has a 1 am curfew...which isn't so bad considering they kick you out at 9:30 am and don't let you back in until 4. But it was only 13 euros a night and right ontop of the hill that is the city with a great terrace. When I got into town I only had a euro and a half to my name and wound up stiffing the bus and walking up the last part of the mountain. Then I found these underground escalators which lead to the city centre and a gift shop. It was cool but I never figured out what the underground city bit was about. I met a Welsh/ Italian girl on the train who was going to visit her grandmother. She told me there is somesort of holiday going on and that a lot of things might be closed. There was a market going on in the main square and some guy drew me a map to my hostel. When I finally found it I just waited on the steps for an hour for it to open... I just couldn't carry my pack around anymore. I met two girls from Adelade, AU, Lizzy and Catherine, who are very funny. Then in my room were two sisters from Kansas ciy, Amy and Kristen, who I went out with for dinner and chocolate dining. I still have a couple *very expensive Perugian chocolates but I don't expect them to make it too much longer. Apparently Perugina is famous for their Bocio, or "kisses". This is highly amusing to the 5 or 6 year old boys in the candy store making kissy noises. They are dark chocolate covered hazelnuts. Not bad at all. Why didn't someone warn me about day-light savings!?


At 10/31/2005 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your comments about the various snags in plans brought back memories of our Eurorail trip through Europe years ago. Often there would be some time-change difference or other slip-up that would throw us off-plan for awhile. Sometimes, though, that brings about the nicest surprises of the trip -- we hope that happens for you! Love, Janice

At 10/31/2005 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found some pics of Perugia on the Internet. It is a really old city! I'm sorry you weren't able to see A Chorus Line this weekend. Jennifer (and all others) did a great job.
Love, Mom

At 10/31/2005 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to hear your voice! I miss it! Let's get the phone situation fixed.

Roma!! Wow.



At 10/31/2005 7:25 PM, Blogger Trey said...

Don't forget Daylight savings....0:)

Seriously though, I'm glad to hear your still having a blast and trust me when I say, I wish I was there. Here sucks!


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