Friday, December 09, 2005

Ahh. Countdown: 5 days

Aussie D= Dean
Filipino= Elmer
Harvey= Harry (No thanks to Dean's Aussie accent)

Yesterday I managed to waste an entire day. I had to walk down some major shopping strips... and I HAD to pop in the shops. The modern art museum I set out for will reopen in Spring 2006. I couldn't find my wax museum (though I may look again today). And I spent way too long online. Luckily I went back to the hostel and ate dinner and then Dean and I played chess (I lost...twice). Then we went out with Canadian Mike and Aussie Lauren to pub. And I moved rooms...unbeknowst to me. But I've met quite a few Americans lately they are ALL studying somewhere. Oh so typical young American tourist behavior.
Today Dean and I are going to watch March of the Penguins. The weather has been cloudy and rainy since my first day. I decided to go back to St. Christopher's for my last few days in London. I can't believe this time next week I'll be home!!


At 12/09/2005 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning, Bran! I can't believe your grand adventure is almost over. But, it's probably only the first of many!
Looking forward to seeing you!
Love, Mom

At 12/10/2005 8:55 AM, Blogger Terrell said...

Oh! I am looking forward to hugging you next Wednesday!! Cram all you safely can into these last few days of your trek.

I can hardly wait to hear the details. Plan to talk a lot between Atlanta and Rome! I want details!

I love you, Brannon Ruth!!


At 12/10/2005 7:03 PM, Blogger Beth said...

Good to hear from you. I know you probably have very mixed feelings about your trip coming to an end.

But like your mama said - it's probably just the first of many adventures.

Then again. You could just stay and get a job waitressing and marry an Irishman. :) (I just said that for your daddy's benefit). :)



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